Written by Andrea Domenech

Allegories and baroque opulence

Allegories and baroque opulence

Two women protagonists of a universe created for your delight. Pleasures arranged for the enjoyment of two senses; sight and taste.

The composition of each of our works is clear, the female characters are arranged in the center as an axis from which the stage and the rest of the elements start. Each of these is wisely chosen to convey a message, the vanity and delight that the senses bring. The rooms where the scene takes place are cabinets of curiosities.

Lote 35310192.
Lote 35310193.

On the one hand the lot 35310192, the “kunstkammer” of a rich collector who has treasured “the healing of the blind man by Rubens” or a bronze sculpture of the Rape of Hippodamia as well as tables full of jewelry, shells, watches or coins that roll until they fall on the floor. This exuberance turns us into one more character of the painting since we are feeling a similar effect of enjoyment with its contemplation. The allegory of the view has two subtle details that transcend the material treasures, one serious nature that manifests itself behind the walls of the room and the globes where the name of America is intuited in a clear allusion to the whole world that is yet to be seen and discovered.

Detalle lote 35310192
Detalle lote 35310192

Taste is a banquet with only one guest (35310193). The lady occupies a place of honor so clear that everything around her is displayed for her to choose from. About forty delicacies in the room; game hanging from the ceiling, fruits overflowing from the table, trays like the one carried by the satyr barely have room on a tablecloth unable to contain so much food. Two scenes take place in the background, an inert one with the painting of the Banquet of the Rich Epulon and one full of life and realism, the lunch in a Flemish house with guests at the table, cooks and servants in an atmosphere of profound everyday life. Different worlds coexist in the same painting, the main scene being a waste of exquisiteness.

Detalle del lote 35310193
Detalle lote 35310193

Why all this opulence? What is the message hidden in the paintings? The baroque language employed suggests both a delight in the contemplation of beautiful things and a moralizing message: being swept away by the pleasures of the senses can be all-consuming. The best way to understand this idea is through the monkeys that intersperse the scenes. They discreetly play a human role. Their attitudes ridicule man’s own behavior, drunkenness, gluttony, vanity and other sins are highlighted as a warning to the viewer. The art here can play with us and propose two paths after seeing the works: follow the author’s advice and flee from the excesses, or on the contrary let ourselves be carried away by the pleasures of the senses after being tempted by them.

Detalle lote 35310193
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Mannerism and the exquisiteness of its extravagance

The Mannerist style, which emerged in Italy around the 1530s, represented a paradigm shift with respect to the Renaissance where the proportion, balance and harmony traits that until then had defined artistic creation lost their total hegemony by virtue of artistic intentionality. and expressiveness. Once the knowledge of human anatomy, perspective and color was consolidated, the artists and their workshops advanced on their path towards experimentation, thereby seeking greater drama and distinction in their compositions that would emerge in the Baroque period.

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The painting of whims: between reality and fantasy

The fanciful architectures of the painting of whims will be tendered in Setdart next January 26. In this sense, the pair of canvases that we present at auction falls within the circle close to Codazzi. In the same way that the Lombard painter did, despite the imaginative component intrinsic to the genre, the architectural views that concern us keep a certain degree of verisimilitude, playing with the lighting to obtain typically baroque expressive effects, which enhance the appearance of the buildings of old look.

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The legacy of the Aras Jáuregui collection

Few figures were more striking in the Basque society of the twenties as the young man Ramón Aras Jáuregui. Perfectly comparable to Jay Gatsby was one of those people who were at all key points in society giving the feeling of pulling their strings. Among other positions I hold since honorary member and treasurer of the Atthelic Club de Bilbao (partly financed by his own pocket), city councilor from 1913 to 1917 or patron of painters of the time such as Darío de Regoyos.

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Looks from the past – The legacy of the Aras Jáuregui collection

Perhaps the greatest talent of a painter is undoubtedly the psychological capture of his model and the reflection of this in the work. The expressiveness of the characters usually comes from the poses and gestures in a theatrical manner to be more evident. However, the most profound and at the same time subtle of these personal traits is found behind that small brushstroke of white inside a pupil. It is often said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, a statement that makes sense just by seeing some of the force that emanates from some of the works of the Aras Jauregui legacy collection up for auction .