Written by Andrea Domenech

Alex Katz: The playful art that anticipated Pop Art

At 94 years old and converted into one of the cult figures of American art of the 20th century, Alex Katz maintains intact that creative impulse guided by the conscience of someone who knows that he cannot stop doing what he does.

At a time when abstractionist trends led by American expressionism predominated, Katz challenged the art establishment by entering the scene as a representative of the new American figuration. Little did he care about the criticism and contempt that his work aroused when in the 1950s he made himself known with a work that fled from the fashions and orthodoxies that prevailed in the art world at that time. In fact, thanks to that time of marginalization and misunderstanding, Katz managed to find his own artistic identity that over time has managed to unanimously conquer the artistic circuit. The contempt of a critic who was never very clear about where to place him, has given way to endless acknowledgments and praises that translate into the good moment his work is going through in the art market.