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How to bid


Once your registration has been approved by Setdart, you can operate as a bidder on our website.

Select the lot you wish to bid for, and then place a bid by selecting the amount you are willing to pay. Remember that you need to be connected as a user in order to place a bid.


Sin título-1b

After placing your bid, a pro forma invoice will appear on screen, including commission and VAT. Only when you accept this pro forma, your bid will actually enter the system.

By using the drop down menu, you may bid for the next amount available or you may bid for a higher amount. In the latter case, the auto-bidding system is activated. The auto-bidding is an automated system in which Setdart bids for you, saving your highest bid and using it only when another user outbids your lower bids.

Lots offered at auction may have a reserve price, which is a confidential minimum selling price agreed between the consignor-seller and Setdart. If at the end of the auction the highest bid has not reached the reserve price, the lot is not sold. Before the end of the auction, the consignor-seller may lower the reserve price. Therefore, the reserve price is movable downward.

Some auction lots do not have a reserve price, which means they are sold provided there is an auction bid, whatever the value of it.

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Each lot has a low and high estimate, representing the opinion of Setdart experts about the range in which the lot might sell at auction. Estimates are based on the examination of an item and recent auction records of comparable pieces. An estimate provides prospective buyers with a preliminary guide to value.

It is strictly forbidden for any consignor-seller to bid for their own lot, in the hope of increasing its selling price. Setdart reserves the right to immediately cancel the user account used for this purpose, and to cancel the auction of that consignor lots.

If a lot has not reached the reserve price before the auction ends, the bidding system will indicate “Reserve price not reached” and automatically provide a 3-minute extension, so that potential buyers can keep bidding if they want to win that lot. Only in this case, the system will accept that a bidder exceeds his/her own latest bid in order to reach the reserve price and win the lot. When the auction ends, the stopwatch will read “This auction has ended“, and all users will be able to see whether the lot has sold or it has been left unsold.

If you are the winning bidder of a lot, within the next working day, you will receive your invoice by e-mail. You then have seven days to pay.







The amount a prospective buyer signals the auctioneer he/she would pay to buy the lot during bidding.

The owner who is transferring property to Setdart to act as agent on his or her behalf for sale.

Hammer Price
The winning bid for a lot at auction. It determines the sale price, but does not include the buyer’s premium.

Reserve Price
Never formally disclosed, the reserve price is the confidential minimum price agreed upon between the consignor and Setdart. Reserves must be set at or below the low estimate, and if bidding ends before the reserve is reached, the property will not be sold.

Buyer’s Commission
The amount above the hammer price that is paid as part of the total purchase price. The buyer’s commission represents 18% over the hammer price.

Each lot is given a low and high estimate, representing the opinion of Setdart experts about the range in which the lot might sell at auction. Estimates are based on the examination of an item and recent auction records of comparable pieces. An estimate provides prospective buyers with an important preliminary guide to value and is generally the basis for establishing the reserve price.

Seller’s Commission
A commission paid by the consignor to Setdart, which is deducted from the hammer price. This commission is stated in the consignor contract.


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Online Payments

Online Payments


Now you can also pay by card at


Setdart is delighted to offer a new payment option. From now on, you can pay for your auction lots via internet, without leaving home. We are confident that this new payment option will facilitate your operations with our auction house.

Banco Sabadell provides our Virtual POS, an online platform that enables you to pay easily for your auction lots by credit or debit card, with the utmost security.

The Banco Sabadell online payment platform provides high security and protection, guaranteed by international protocols Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

If you are operating from abroad , you can pay in your local currency, as our payment platform offers multicurrency service. In addition, all pages within the Virtual POS are available in Spanish,  English, French, German , Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Italian and Swedish.



Payment procedure:



If you bid for a lot and win it, you can pay for it online. You will need to sign in with your username and password. In order to make your payment, you must access “My Setdart”.





“My Setdart” is the user panel. There, you will find all the options to monitor your auction operations, such as outstanding payments and delivery status.




If you wish to make a payment, you must go to “Pending Payments” and select the lots you want to pay.




When you select the lots and click on “Pay Now”, you will get an invoice with the total amount to be paid. The web will then redirect you to the Virtual POS.



On the payment platform, you will need to enter your card number, expiration date and CCV2 (verification value code). Your card issuer will then redirect you to their security system. Each bank has its own security system to confirm online operations.
After verification, you will be shown the result of the purchase and the operation code, which might be used as a reference for future consultations.


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From this moment, in the “My Setdart”  section of the website, the “Pending Payments” tab will disappear and you will be able to view the previous operation  in the “Payments Made” tab.
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Setdart Newsletter



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Setdart sends a weekly e-newsletter with our latest news, upcoming auctions and updated information.


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1. О нас был основан в 2004 году и в настоящее время является ведущим он-лайн аукционом в области искусства в Испании. Сайт быстро завоевал доверие аудитории и сейчас насчитывает более 30000 пользователей. Ежедневно Вы можете принять участие в аукционе на нашем сайте, где выставляются более тысячи образцов искусства, включая живопись, скульптуру, ювелирные изделия, часы, антикварную и дизайнерскую мебель. Наша система занимает особую позицию в сфере искусства и позволяет многим людям осуществить свое первое знакомство с рынком.

Команда состоит из профессионалов, которые предъявляют высокие требования к качеству лотов. Мы предлагаем обширный выбор произведений искусства. Наша главная задача – заинтересовать пользователей и предоставить им наилучшие условия выбора товаров. Именно поэтому, у нас вы можете найти лоты, доступные каждому, и всемирно известные образцы искусства.

Мы с удовольствием предлагаем Вам не только удобное средство купли-продажи, но и работу с индивидуальными заказами. Опыт, знания и энтузиазм нашей команды гарантируют Вам максимальное удобство и прекрасный результат всех действий.


Setdart2. Как нас найти

Мы находимся по адресу:
Calle Aragón 346 (ул. Арагон 346)
08009 Barcelona (Барселона)
Tel. 0034 932463241

Режим работы: с понедельника по пятницу с 10.00 до 20.00. Перерыв с 14.00 до 16.00



3. Как стать пользователем

Чтобы участвовать в торгах на, необходимо стать пользователем нашего сайта. Это не накладывает на Вас никакой ответственности. Пройдите по ссылке, которую Вы найдете на главной странице «Зарегистрироваться на сайте» и заполните строки Вашими данными. Если у вас появятся сомнения, Вы можете позвонить по телефону 0034 932463241, и мы с радостью ответим на Ваши вопросы.

Как только Вы отправите заполненную форму, Вам позвонят или отправят электронное письмо с подтверждением регистрации. Это необходимая мера, связанная с вопросами безопасности. Когда Вы проверите подлинность данных, Setdart подтвердит Ваш запрос и Вы сможете сразу принять участие в аукционе. Кроме того, каждую неделю Вы будете получать электронное письмо с наиболее интересными новостями. Если Вы не хотите принимать участие в рассылке, Вы можете отказаться, пройдя по ссылке, которую Вы увидите в начале письма.

Setdart доводит до вашего сведения, что личные данные будут внесены в базу данных. Мы собираем, регистрируем, храним и используем Вашу личную информацию, чтобы Вы могли осуществлять куплю-продажу на нашем сайте и чтобы держать Вас в курсе событий. Согласно политике конфиденциальности и безопасности, все персональные данные находятся под надежной защитой.


4. Как принять участие в аукционе

Как только Вы зарегистрировались, Вы можете изменять свои данные, имя пользователя и пароль в разделе «Мои данные». Если Вы не хотите больше быть пользователем сайта, Вы можете позвонить или отправить нам электронное письмо.

Что происходит, когда я присваиваю лот?

Когда лот продан, мы отправим Вам счет, указывающий финальную цену и дополнительные расходы. К последней ставке добавляется 21% НДС. Если Вам необходима доставка, это также добавится к стоимости и будет зависеть от характеристик лота. Оплату можно произвести только посредством денежного перевода или внесением наличных на счет  Setdart. Как только банковская операция будет произведена, Setdart приступит к упаковке и доставке лота. Срок доставки составляет 7-10 дней. Срок может варьироваться в зависимости от наличия лота на складе, специальных условиях перевозки и т.д.

Покупатель может отказаться от товара в течение 15 дней со дня финальных торгов только в том случае, если лот не соответствует указанному на сайте или имеет повреждения, не включенные в описание товара. Неаутентичность лота должна быть обоснована и подтверждена профессионалом. Лот должен быть возвращен в том же состоянии, в котором был доставлен Вам. В этом случае, мы полностью возместим Вам расходы.

Setdart не несет ответственности за любые повреждения, произошедшие во время транспортировки лота. Setdart берет на себя ответственность только в том случае, если повреждение произошло в его павильонах.


5. Реставрационные услуги

Мы предлагаем Вам услуги реставрации приобретенных на аукционе лотов, если это требуется для воссоздания их оптимального состояния. Профессиональные реставраторы Setdart работают со всеми типами лотов.

6. Панель пользователя

У пользователей нашего сайта есть доступ к разделу «Мой Setdart», в котором находится детальная информация об участии в аукционах.


«Мой Setdart» состоит из следующих разделов:

  • Участие в торгах: список торгов, в которых вы принимаете участие, с предупреждением о превышении выставленной Вами цены
  • Возможные лоты: список лотов, которых вы хотели бы приобрести, но еще не участвуете в аукционе. Чтобы добавить лот в этот список, зайдите на страницу товара и нажмите на «Добавить к моим лотам»
  • Мои покупки: список Ваших покупок. В этом разделе Вы найдете детальную информацию о стоимости, оплате, доставке и дату ликвидации.
  • Мои списки: если Вы выставляете лот на продажу, вы сможете увидеть списки товаров, вошедших в аукцион в текущем году, разделенные на два раздела: проданные и непроданные.
  • Обратная связь: если Вам необходима консультация, Вы можете отправить автоматическое сообщение в отделы управления, логистики или налогов.


7. Автоматические торги

Автоматические торги – очень удобная система, если вы не можете или не хотите тратить  время, контролируя, превысили ли  ваше предложение, когда вы уверены, что можете сделать большую ставку. Механизм активируется сразу после того, как превышается сумма, установленная на торгах. В этом случае, система вводит за вас ставку до следующей суммы и сохраняет автоматические торги, которые будут действовать в тот момент, когда сумма будет превышена, и только при необходимости.


8. Способы доставки

Как только банковская операция произведена и лот продан, Setdart приступит к упаковке и доставке. Срок доставки составляет 7-10 дней. Срок может варьироваться в зависимости от наличия лота на складе, специальных условиях перевозки и т.д.

Существует несколько способов доставки приобретенных лотов:

– Самовывоз

Вы сами можете забрать лот из наших павильонов в Барселоне, как только Вы получите электронное письмо, подтверждающее наличие товара на складе. Если лот будете забирать не Вы лично, то получатель должен будет иметь документ с Вашим разрешением.

– Служба курьерской доставки MRW

Setdart сотрудничает с компанией транспортных перевозок MRW. Когда Ваш лот будет готов для отправки, представители MRW заберет его в нашем офисе и доставит по указанному адресу. Если Вы хотите получить лот по адресу, не указанному в Ваших данных, Вы должны будете указать его в разделе «Данные пользователя» или отправить письмо по адресу Посылки, осуществляемые MRW имеют страховку до 3000 евро от стоимости приобретенного товара. Жалобы относительно доставки нужно сообщить в течение 48 часов с момента получения лота. По истечении срока, страховка действовать не будет. Если Вы хотите получить дополнительную страховку, обратитесь к нам в офис.

– Другие способы доставки:

Вы можете использовать собственный транспорт или же самостоятельно обратиться в любую курьерскую службу, исходя из Ваших предпочтений. Setdart по умолчанию включает цену за перевозку в общую стоимость, поэтому, если Вы используете свой транспорт или забираете лот лично, Вам следует сообщить нам об этом.










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Selling in Setdart


Are you thinking of selling pieces from your collection, redecorating your home, converting an inheritance into capital… ? is the answer.

We offer the guarantee of expert advice, the best fees and complete confidentiality. We are pioneers and the largest online Spanish auction house specializing in art, jewellery, design and vintage. Our auction system means your piece will be rapidly put up for sale without limits or borders and with the guarantee of a wide portfolio of prospective clients.

Security, trust, efficiency and agility are our highlights.

If you are thinking about selling a work of art, a jewel, a high quality watch, a piece of antique furniture, a handbag from a remarkable brand, etc. do not hesitate to contact us. We offer appraisal services without charge and without obligation.


1. Contact Setdart by telephone on (0034) 932 463 241 or send an email to

You can also arrange an appointment for one of our experts to appraise your pieces at our facilities in 346 Aragon Street, Barcelona. If it is a particularly large collection or one including very important pieces, one of our experts can visit you personally.

Map of access to Setdart

Opening hours and holidays

2. You can send us images via email or post specifying all the information known about the object (measures, age, material, signature, manufacturer, condition, origin, etc.) so that we can provide an initial estimate of the piece.


Setdart3. Once a minimum selling price is agreed, in order to take the photographs and features of the piece, you can bring it to our offices or, if it is a very large lot, our team will visit you to carry out the work.

4. The piece will be on display for 15 days, approximately, on our online exhibition gallery, accompanied by detailed photographs and information. Throughout this period, Setdart users can place their bids, up until the date and time of the auction’s closure.

5. Once a piece is sold, our transport service will pick it up from your home and take it to our facilities. In this way we minimize any risk, as you would be the person responsible for the piece during the auction period.

6. Setdart will transfer the funds from the sale of the piece, discounting our fee, within a month, starting from the day of the auction’s closure.



Do not forget to add your information, especially your phone number and your location so that we can contact you.
If you attach an image, it is very important that it has enough quality in order to appreciate the details.
The maximum size is 1 Mbyte (800 x 600 pixels).


If you need more information, please send us an email to


  • Will the valuation cost me anything?
    Setdart makes free valuations when performed with the end of auctioning the piece/pieces. In the event of a particular piece requiring certifications from outside experts, the costs incurred will be covered by the provider-seller. If you need an estimate, valuation or expertize regarding the distribution of inheritances, legal business, etc., Setdart also offers these services with the relevant charges.
  • Will all the pieces sent for valuation be entered in the auction?
    No, pieces put up for auction must meet standards of quality, antiquity, originality, etc. relevant in each case and that Setdart selects according to the profile of our buying customers. All pieces are physically checked before being put up for auction to verify the information provided and their characteristics.
  • When can I see my lots once they’ve been accepted for auction?
    Once accepted for auction, your lot/lots are photographed and catalogued. This process usually lasts four to seven days. Each piece is displayed on the web for anywhere between seven and ten days to allow users to make their bids up till the end of the auction period.
  • If I sell a piece at auction, how long will it be before I am paid for it?
    When a lot is sold, Setdart sends the invoice to the acquirer-purchaser who must then settle it within a period of seven days. Once cleared, Setdart will affect the payment within fifteen to twenty days afterwards by bank transfer.
  • What are the benefits for me of selling at auction instead of selling privately?
    Selling ​​on Setdart Auction offers you considerable advantages. Setdart realises daily auctions and this means we can bring great agility and speed to the process. From the point the piece enters the auction, you can follow the process directly through our website and this allows you to be informed at all times of how the auction is unfolding. The advantages over selling privately are clear in that you at once have access to a much broader portfolio of potential buyers which in turn helps you to obtain a much more favourable price.
  • How long will it be before I can get my valuation?
    If you bring the piece to us, the valuation is usually immediate. If you send photographs by e-mail or post or if our experts visit your home, we like to carry out the valuation in a period of less than one week.
  • What will putting a lot up for auction cost me?
    The commission specified in the contract signed by the provider-seller and Setdart is the fixed charge to be paid to Setdart on the sale of a lot. If it’s a piece that has generated special expenses in regards restoration, certification of authenticity by an expert external to Setdart, storage or special packaging, transportation, etc., they will be charged to the provider-seller.



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Buying in Setdart

Setdart is the leading online auction specializing in art, jewelry and design. You can participate in our daily auction through our website. Our system has provided many people with their first contact with the art market.

Setdart’s team comprises professionals with solid experience in the art market and we follow strict criteria when selecting items to include in our auction. We will be delighted to advise you if you do wish to acquire a lot.


In order to participate in our online auction you need to register as a user, after reading our terms and conditions.

Use the link “Register as a user” and fill out the blanks with your data.

If you have any questions about your registration or about the general process, please contact us on 0034 93 246 32 41, or you can come to our offices in Barcelona and we will be delighted to assist you.

Opening Hours

Privacy and Security Policy



Once your registration has been approved by Setdart, you can operate as a bidder on our website.

Select the lot you wish to bid for, and then place a bid by selecting the amount you are willing to pay. Remember that you need to be connected as a user in order to place a bid.

After placing your bid, a pro forma invoice will appear on screen, including commission and VAT. Only when you accept this pro forma, your bid will actually enter the system.

By using the drop down menu, you may bid for the next amount available or you may bid for a higher amount. In the latter case, the auto-bidding system is activated. The auto-bidding is an automated system in which Setdart bids for you, saving your highest bid and using it only when another user outbids your lower bids.

Lots offered at auction may have a reserve price, which is a confidential minimum selling price agreed between the consignor-seller and Setdart. If at the end of the auction the highest bid has not reached the reserve price, the lot is not sold. Before the end of the auction, the consignor-seller may lower the reserve price. Therefore, the reserve price is movable downward.

Some auction lots do not have a reserve price, which means they are sold provided there is an auction bid, whatever the value of it.

Each lot has a low and high estimate, representing the opinion of Setdart experts about the range in which the lot might sell at auction. Estimates are based on the examination of an item and recent auction records of comparable pieces. An estimate provides prospective buyers with a preliminary guide to value.

It is strictly forbidden for any consignor-seller to bid for their own lot, in the hope of increasing its selling price. Setdart reserves the right to immediately cancel the user account used for this purpose, and to cancel the auction of that consignor lots.

If a lot has not reached the reserve price before the auction ends, the bidding system will indicate “Reserve price not reached” and automatically provide a 3-minute extension, so that potential buyers can keep bidding if they want to win that lot. Only in this case, the system will accept that a bidder exceeds his/her own latest bid in order to reach the reserve price and win the lot. When the auction ends, the stopwatch will read “This auction has ended”, and the user will be able to see whether the lot has sold or it has been left unsold.

If you are the winning bidder of a lot, you will receive an e-mail. Within the next working day, you will receive your invoice. You have then seven days to pay.



In the event of any problem of connectivity or access to Setdart services, it will be notified on homepage.

In any case, Setdart will not be held responsible for the causes or results of connexion problems, as they might be due to multiple causes unrelated to Setdart. Setdart reserves the right to extend the auction until the next day at the same time, or when it believes best, in order to ensure access to all users affected by the incident or, if deemed to be best, Setdart can proceed with the cancellation of the affected auction.




  • Does becoming a member of Setdart cost anything?
    Registering as a user of Setdart is completely free.
  • How do I pay?
    If you win an auction lot, you can pay by card through our website. We accept Visa and Mastercards. For further information see online payments. Alternatively, you may pay in cash at our office in Barcelona or you may pay via bank transfer.
  • How much will I pay if I win a lot?
    If you are the winning bidder, you will receive an e-mail with your invoice, indicating the auction price and all additional costs. There is an 18% commission over the auction price. This commission is subject to VAT. If transport is needed, it will also be budgeted.
  • Once I have paid, how long will it take before I receive my lot?
    Once the lot has been paid, Setdart will arrange the packaging and delivery of the piece. The average delivery time is from seven to ten days. This period may vary depending on the location of the piece, if it needs to be picked up, or if the piece requires special packaging arrangements. If the client requests a grouping of lots to save on transport costs, we will wait until we have received all the lots and then arrange the delivery.
  • Do I need to register on the web to be able to place bids?
    User registration needs to be made through our website. If you do not have a computer or you have any difficulties, you can call us or send an email to, and we will guide you through the process. If you fill out the form included on this page with your personal data, we can register you on your behalf.
  • Is there a way I can receive an email alert if a piece by a particular author is auctioned?
    You must be registered as a user. Once connected, you will be able to access MY ALERTS. In this section you can enter the search terms for your alert. Setdart will automatically send you an email when an auction lot matches your criteria.











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Find us








Monday to Friday: 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 8pm
Collections:  10am to 1.30pm and 4pm to 7.30pm



  • April 2014:  14th to 21st
  • May 2014:  1st
  • June 2014: 9th, 23rd and 24th
  • August 2014: 11th to 24th
  • September 2014: 11th, 12th and 24th
  • December 2014: 8th and 25th to 31st


Calle Aragón 346
08009 Barcelona


View  map


Our team will be delighted to assist you personally in our offices, located in Barcelona city center, where we intend to further expand our services with complementary activities. Please feel free to visit if you want to buy or sell at Setdart.


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iphone app

Captura de pantalla 2013-04-08 a la(s) 21.58.07

Setdart Auctions was founded in 2004 and is currently the leading online art auction in Spain. Over 30,000 users evidence our strength, prestige and reliability.

You can participate in our daily auction, where over 100 pieces are being offered. Our system has allowed us to take up important positions and has provided many people with their first contact with the art market, not only because it is easy to participate in the auction but also because you can access from home and from any part of the world.

We try to offer an increasing range of works, always checked by our experts. Furthermore, we do not want the price to be an excluding factor, so we offer affordable pieces and, at the same time, works of great importance and recognition. from your iPhone is now available in the AppStore.


Setdart has a young, dynamic, entrepreneurial and experienced team that manages the purchase and sale of art works, an extensive portfolio and solid marketing and communication operations. We offer security and reliability, as well as a flexible and easy system that enables you to sell your pieces with guaranteed success.

Setdart grows every day following a constant technological evolution, increasing the number of pieces and the quality of the auctions, offering new services and expanding our user community. We are pleased to offer personal advice that meets your needs and requirements. The experience, knowledge and enthusiasm of our team ensures a good management, in order to achieve maximum satisfaction for you.


About Setdart app


– Intuitive menus.
– Quick access to the most imminent auction.
– Detailed page on each lot.
– Image and zoom of each lot.
– Access to user menu.
– Search for items on auction.
– Compatible with multitasking.
– Compatible with iPhone 4 screen.

Setdart application is now available in the App Store.

Captura de pantalla 2013-04-08 a la(s) 21.57.37

Captura de pantalla 2013-04-08 a la(s) 21.57.52

Pantalla de la aplicación de Setdart para Iphone

Captura de pantalla 2013-04-08 a la(s) 22.04.00

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Transport or collection options

As a Setdart client you have the following options for collection or delivery of the lots acquired on auction:

1. Picking up your items at Setdart facilities:
You can pick up your lots at 346 Aragon Street, Barcelona. Please check our opening hours: OPENING HOURS AND HOLIDAYS. In case it will not be you who collects the lots, you must give authorization to the person who is going to do it by providing an authorization document or via e-mail. AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD

2. Delivery through MRW:
Setdart usually hires MRW for transport and courier services.
Setdart will send you an e-mail informing that your lot is ready. Collections are usually made at 6.30 pm, except in cases of urgent deliveries.
Delivery via MRW is usually carried out within the subsequent 24-48 hours.
If you would like to receive the piece at a different address than that specified as a user, you must clearly indicate so in the “alternative mailing address” in the USER REGISTRATION or send it by e-mail to

3. Collection of lots by your private means of transport:
You can use your own private means of transport., by default, includes transport costs in your budget. So, if you want to hire your own transport or collect the lot personally, you need to inform us as soon as possible so we can send the invoice without trasport charges included. In this case, packaging will be charged if necessary.


Cost of transport and payment method:
Once you have purchased a lot, will send you the bill via email. It will include, unless otherwise indicated, the cost of transportation and packaging.

Special deliveries:
Due to the nature (size, weight, fragility) of certain lots, might recommend a direct delivery through a “door to door” transport service. In this case, the lot would be picked up at our facilities by a specialized service and taken directly to the delivery address.

All deliveries managed by MRW have an insurance that covers up to €3,000 of the auction price, in the event of loss, theft or breakage. Any claim regarding the delivery of an item needs to be made within 48 hours following its reception. After this period, there will be no insurance coverage. You also need to keep the original packaging in order to make the claim.

Additional insurance:
If you want to hire additional insurance to cover the total amount of the lot, you can contact us and we will arrange for it through a company specializing in art objects and/or jewels.

Delivery times:
Once a lot has been paid, will proceed to arrange the packaging and transportation of the piece. The average delivery time is seven to ten days. This period may vary depending on the immediate availability of the piece and special requirements regarding packaging.

If the client requests a grouping of lots in order to save on transport costs, we will wait until we have received all the lots and then arrange their delivery.


If you need any more information, please send us an email to



  • What will the packaging cost if I hire my private transport company?
    The cost of packaging will always depend on the type of lot to be sent. If you do not require wooden packaging, it can cost between 10 and 30 Euros. For bulkier or heavier pieces a budget can be requested.
  • Can I know the transportation cost of a lot on which I am considering bidding?
    You can send an email to and we will provide an estimate of ​​the transportation costs. We can also suggest, depending on the nature of the lot, transportation alternatives and how much they might cost.
  • What type of lots cannot be sent by conventional or standard transport?
    Lots that due to their fragility or size require special treatment cannot be sent by standard transport (courier or MRW). For those lots, provides “door to door” transport alternatives, specialized in art and antiques.
  • Do I need to get my deliveries through MRW?
    Not necessarily. You can hire a transport company of your choice, and we will arrange the delivery according to your instructions. Take into account that the price that we will quote for transportation will include the same conditions, packaging and insurance.
  • Is the packaging safe?
    All the items we send are carefully packed. The process is carried out manually and packaging is adapted to the features of each piece.

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Auto Bidding

Auto Bid







Auto Bidding

Auto Bidding is an automatic bidding system. It is a convenient system if you are unable or do not wish to spend time checking if your bid has been exceeded, when you know you are ready to bid higher for a certain lot.

This mechanism is activated when you place a bid for an amount that exceeds the upcoming amount in the bidding scale. In this case, the system bids on your behalf the upcoming amount in the scale, and will keep your Auto Bidding amount and use it only when exceeded, only if necessary.

If another user places a bid equal to your Auto Bidding amount, the earliest bid takes always priority, so your bid, in this case, will prevail.

If another user places a bid higher than your Auto Bidding amount, your maximum bid will be directly listed and will be exceeded by the upcoming amount in the bidding scale on behalf of this other user.



  1. You are interested in a lot that has already a €10 bid.
    You are ready to bid up to €50, if needed.
  2.  Instead of selecting the upcoming amount in the bidding scale, you should select the maximum amount you are willing to pay, that is €50.
    On the website, your bid will be registered for the upcoming amount in the bidding scale, which is €20.
  3. In case another user places a €30 bid, it will be automatically outbid by you, through the Auto Bidding system, for the upcoming amount, that is, €40.
  4. In case another user wishes to bid €50, the system will warn them that this amount equals an existing Auto Bid.
    The system will then register this user’s bid firstly, and your Auto Bid afterwards, both for the same amount.
    As your Auto Bid was introduced beforehand, it will prevail over later bids introduced by other users.


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Register as a user


To be able to bid on you need to register as a user.

Use the link on the home page “Register as a user” and fill out the blanks with your data.
The form will ask you to enter a “user code” and a “password”. This guarantees your privacy and the authenticity of the bids, as when you place a bid, the bidding history will show your user code and not your name and surname, and the bid will not be entered unless you enter the correct password.



  • Personal information must be authentic and correct as, in the case of any fabrication or manipulation, Setdart will end your registration.


  •  Once you have added your personal data, you can also add an alternative address for the delivery of lots. This address will only appear on the delivery labels.


  • When you have completed the form, you will see the terms of use. The terms of use need to be accepted by marking the box.


  • Once the form has been correctly submitted, will accept you as a user and email you the approval, after which you can immediately begin to operate.
  • Registering as a user entitles you to receive the weekly newsletter that sends to its users, via email, with the most important news.
  • As a customer, from the section “My Data” on the web, you can change your data as well as user code and password.
  • If you wish to unsubscribe as a user, you must contact us, via mail or phone.
  • It is not necessary to register as a user to navigate through our site.

If you need any more information, you can send us an email to


Will my data will be visible to other people or users? follows a policy of privacy and restricted security access for each user. The registration form is done in an encrypted and secure environment. Once registered, the authenticity of the data will be verified and the application for registration approved or denied. The data provided is used only for possible billing or dispatching.


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Appraisal Services


Setdart offers free valuation when its purpose is the sale of the piece/pieces on auction.
You can apply for it by:

  • Sending an e-mail with all the available information and pictures of the piece.
  • Visiting us in our offices in Barcelona, so we can see the piece by ourselves and make an instant valuation. When choosing this option it is always advisable to call ahead (0034) 932 463 242 and make an appointment with the relevant expert.
  • In case the piece/pieces, due to their nature (size, fragility or number) cannot be easily transferred to our offices, please contact us and one of our experts will come to your place for an initial valuation. Please contact us by e-mail or telephone in order to arrange an appointment.


Do not forget to add your details, especially your phone number.
It is very important that the attached photographs have a good quality.
The recommended size is 800 x 600 pixels (1 Mbyte).


If you need more information, please send us an email to


  • Will the valuation cost me anything?
    Setdart offers free valuation when its purpose is the auction of the piece/pieces. In the event that a particular piece requires certifications from other experts, the costs will be covered by the provider-seller. If you need an estimate, valuation or expertize regarding the distribution of inheritances, legal business, etc, Setdart also offers this service with the relevant charges.
  • Will all items be offered for auction?
    No, pieces offered for auction must meet certain requirements, related to quality, antiquity and originality. Setdart selects the items according to the profile of our customers. All pieces are physically checked before being offered for auction, in order to verify the information provided.
  • How should I send my photographs so they can be valued?
    Photographs must be in jpg format. The measures should be around 800 × 600 pixels and the maximum allowance is 1 Mbyte each. These parameters will be enough for us to be able to appreciate the details of the piece. It is very important, in the case of paintings, to attach a photo of the signature and reverse of the canvas.









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Control Panel


My Setdart

As a registered user you will have access to “My Setdart” section, which provides detailed and updated information of your transactions and activities.

“My Setdart” consists of the following sections:


My bids: Showing the lots you have bid for, where you will see a red alert when your offer has been outbid.
Lots to follow: A list of lots you wish to follow at auction, although you have not yet bid for them. To add a lot to this list you must got to the page of the desired lot and click on “Add to my lots”.
My purchases: A list of lots you’ve successfully bid for on Setdart. In this section you can view the payment to be processed, the deadline for effecting the payment, if the lot is ready to send or if it will be picked up at the auction rooms.
My upcoming auctions: If you are a client-seller you can see the list of lots you own that are up for auction, where you’ll also find the auction end date and the latest bid made.
My selling: If you are a client-seller, in this section you can see the list of lots that you’ve sold on Setdart where you can also view the budget, if the lot has been paid for and collected or not by the client-buyer and the payment date.
My lists: If you are a client-seller, you can view the list of lots you’ve put up for auction over the course of the current year, where they will be separated into two sections: lots sold and unsold lots.


If you need any more information, please send us an email to or fill out the following form with your questions or concerns.
Do not forget to add your contact details, especially your phone number so we are able to contact you.




    • If I’m only a buyer, will I still have access to my bills and bids?
      To register as a user of is completely free. The only cost involved in participating in any of our auctions is if you purchase a lot.
    • How secure is the information regarding my purchases?
      Once accepted for auction, your lot/lots will be photographed and cataloged. This process usually takes from four to seven days. Each piece is exhibited on the web from seven to ten days to allow users to place their bids right up to the close of the auction period.







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Privacy and Security policy

Setdart Privacy and Security Policy states that data of a personal character to their client-users will be included in the databases of Setdart Online, SL to keep them enabled for use in the processing of computerized information, for commercial ends strictly within the said company. Setdart considers the client’s personal information as strictly confidential and guarantees it will be treated in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of the Protection of Personal Data.Setdart collects, registers, stores and uses your personal information so you can sell or buy through our website and to keep you informed of the latest novelties and news from Setdart, unless you have indicated otherwise to us. Weekly and via mail, you’ll receive our newsletter where we inform you of some of the outstanding pieces up for auction. If you don’t want to receive it, by accessing the link on our website, “Setdart Newsletter”, you can unsubscribe.

All personal information is kept in a secure and strictly confidential database. Access is strictly limited to authorized Setdart employees. The servers that contain the data are protected against unauthorized physical access and electronically with security servers and additional systems of virus detection, installation of security systems, vulnerability testing, backup and server recovery, trained personnel, security controls and other measures to continuously improve security and confidentiality.

When registering as a user, Setdart asks you to enter a “user code” and a password, which guarantees privacy and the authenticity of bids, as when you place a bid, the user code will be seen on the bidding history and not your name and surname, and the bid will not be entered unless you enter the correct password.
Changes and cancellation by customers.
As a customer, from the section “My Data” you can change your data and user code and password, for access to the realization of bids.

Setdart retains the right to cancel the account of a client for various reasons, such as non-payment of pieces that have been acquired at auction.
In the same way, if you no longer wish to be a Setdart client, you can let us know at any time, either by mail or by phone, indicating to us all your relevant data, your user code and password.



If there is a court order, an order from a public, police or legal authority, Setdart Online may be obliged to divulge your personal information.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection of, use and protection of your personal information, please don’t hesitate to contact us., and Setdart.S.L. are registered trademarks and domains
and are owned by Setdart Online, SL based on c/Aragon, 346, Post Code: 08009 – BARCELONA (SPAIN)